Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Have you ever logging onto a game and saw a player with different clothes or skills?
If you have, keep reading.
Did you figure out that person was a member and you wanted to become one too?
If you did, keep reading.
Did you ask your parents and did they say no?
If they did, keep reading.
Hi. My name is Radhika, and all of that happened to me. Now, after a year of looking and looking, I found 3 of the best websites to help you get that membership! You can spend literally minutes a day and get your membership. And it's Free! Now I want to show you my discoveries. Go ahead and read some more posts to maybe get the feel. 
At the side of this post, there is an order of what to look at, if you're reading this, you're on the right track! This is my first post, so move upwards.
Everything on this blog is a step-by-step tutorial. While I am writing, I am creating a new account, just to make it the best ever!
Feel free to contact me by looking at the links to the  side. If you like my posts please follow and use my referral links!
Have fun!

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